OpenText Fax2Mail Review

OpenText Fax2Mail is a cloud-based software solution that enables users to send and receive faxes directly from their email inbox.


  • Cloud-based fax service for email
  • Supports multiple file formats
  • Offers local and toll-free fax numbers for sending and receiving faxes
  • Allows users to send faxes to multiple recipients at once
  • Provides real-time delivery notifications for sent faxes
  • Offers integration with popular email clients like Outlook and Gmail
  • Includes a web-based portal for managing faxes and account settings
  • people can access it from desktop and mobile devices.


+ Convenient and accessible, as faxes can be sent and received through email

+ Can save time and money by eliminating the need for a physical fax machine

+ Secure and reliable, with encryption and redundant data centers


– Requires a stable internet connection

– May have limitations on the number of pages that users can fax per month

– Some users may prefer the traditional method of using a physical fax machine.

The software is designed to simplify the traditional faxing process by eliminating the need for a physical fax machine or dedicated phone line. Instead, users can send and receive faxes as attachments within their email accounts, making the entire process more efficient and streamlined.

One of the key benefits of using Fax2Mail OpenText is that it eliminated the need for physical fax machines and dedicated phone lines, which can be expensive to maintain and may take up valuable office space. Additionally, because Fax2Mail is cloud-based, it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making it ideal for remote teams or businesses with multiple locations.

Another advantage of Fax2Mail is that it can help organizations improve their document management processes. Because faxes can be received as digital attachments, they can be easily stored and organized within a digital document management system, making it easier to search and retrieve important documents when needed.

Overall, OpenText Fax2Mail is an important software solution for businesses that still rely on faxing as a critical component of their communication processes. By providing a more streamlined, efficient, and cost-effective way to send and receive faxes, Fax2Mail can help businesses improve their overall productivity and efficiency while also helping them meet their regulatory compliance requirements.

OpenText Fax2Mail

Features and Functionality: A detailed overview of Fax2Mail’s key features and how they work.

  • OpenText Fax2Mail comes with a range of powerful features designed to simplify the traditional faxing process and make it more efficient. Some of the key features of Fax2Mail include:
  • Email-to-fax and fax-to-email: Fax2Mail allows users to send and receive faxes as email attachments, making the process much more streamlined and convenient.
  • Automatic retry: If a fax fails to send for any reason, Fax2Mail will automatically retry the transmission until it is successful.
  • Auto-forwarding: Users can set up auto-forwarding rules to automatically send incoming faxes to specific email addresses or folders.
  • Fax archiving: Fax2Mail provides a robust archiving system that allows users to store and organize their faxes for easy retrieval later on.
  • International faxing: Fax2Mail supports international faxing, making it easy to send and receive faxes to and from any country.
  • Fax broadcasting: Users can send a single fax to multiple recipients at once, saving time and improving efficiency.
  • Custom branding: Fax2Mail can be customized with your company logo and branding, helping to create a professional image for your business.

Overall, OpenText Fax2Mail provides a comprehensive suite of features that make faxing more convenient, efficient, and reliable. By eliminating the need for physical fax machines and dedicated phone lines, Fax2Mail helps businesses improve their overall productivity while reducing costs and improving their document management processes.

User Experience: A look at the user interface and how easy it is to use the software.

OpenText Fax2Mail User Experience

OpenText Fax2Mail is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, even for those who are not familiar with traditional faxing processes. The user interface is intuitive and simple, with all of the key features and functions clearly labeled and easy to access.

One of the main advantages of Fax2Mail is that it integrates seamlessly with the user’s email inbox. This means that users do not have to learn a new software interface or log in to a separate system to send or receive faxes. Instead, they can access the Fax2Mail functions directly from their email account.

Sending a fax with Fax2Mail is as easy as composing a new email message. Users create a new message in their email client, attach the document they want to fax, and enter the recipient’s fax number in the “To” field using the format “[faxnumber]”. Once the message is sent, Fax2Mail takes care of the rest, converting the document into a fax format and sending it to the recipient’s fax machine.

Receiving a fax with Fax2Mail is equally simple. When a fax is sent to the user’s Fax2Mail number, the software converts the fax into a digital document and sends it to the user’s email inbox as an attachment. The user can then open and view the fax in their email client, just like any other attachment.

Overall, OpenText Fax2Mail provides a user-friendly and streamlined experience that makes faxing as easy as sending an email. By eliminating the need for a physical fax machine and dedicated phone line, Fax2Mail helps businesses improve their efficiency and productivity while also reducing costs.

Security and Compliance: An analysis of how OpenText Fax2Mail handles security and regulatory compliance.

OpenText Fax2Mail Security

Security and compliance are critical considerations for any software solution that deals with sensitive information, such as faxes. OpenText Fax2Mail takes these concerns seriously, providing a range of security and compliance features to protect user data and ensure regulatory compliance.

One of the key security features of Fax2Mail is that it uses encryption to protect all data in transit. This means that all faxes sent and received using Fax2Mail are encrypted, making it much more difficult for hackers or unauthorized users to intercept or view the content of the fax.

In addition to encryption, Fax2Mail also provides a range of compliance features to help businesses meet their regulatory requirements. For example, the software includes built-in audit trails that users can use to track and monitor all fax activity. This can help businesses comply with regulations such as HIPAA, which require organizations to track and report on any access to sensitive data.

Another important compliance feature of Fax2Mail is that it provides a range of authentication options to help prevent unauthorized access. For example, users can set up two-factor authentication or require a PIN to access their faxes, providing an additional layer of security. HelloFax also performs well.

Overall, OpenText Fax2Mail provides a robust set of security and compliance features designed to protect user data and help businesses meet their regulatory requirements. By using encryption, providing audit trails, and offering authentication options, Fax2Mail provides a secure and reliable faxing solution for businesses of all sizes.

Integration with other software and applications: How OpenText Fax2Mail integrates with other software and applications to enhance productivity.

OpenText Fax2Mail Efficiency

One of the major benefits of OpenText Fax2Mail is its ability to integrate seamlessly with other software and applications, providing users with a streamlined and efficient workflow. For example, Fax2Mail integrates with popular email clients such as Microsoft Outlook and Gmail, as well as with popular business applications such as Salesforce and SharePoint.

By integrating with email clients, Fax2Mail enables users to send and receive faxes directly from their email inbox without the need to switch between different applications. This can help to improve productivity and streamline workflows, as users can manage all of their fax communication from a single interface.

Similarly, integration with business applications such as Salesforce and SharePoint can help users to automate their fax processes and reduce manual data entry. For example, Fax2Mail can be configured to automatically send faxes based on triggers such as new leads or opportunities in Salesforce or new documents uploaded to SharePoint. This can help businesses to improve their efficiency and productivity by automating routine tasks and reducing the risk of errors.

In addition to these integrations, Fax2Mail also provides a range of APIs and SDKs that enable developers to build custom integrations with other software and applications. This makes Fax2Mail a flexible and customizable solution that users can tailor to meet the specific needs of individual businesses.

Cost and Pricing: An overview of the pricing options available for OpenText Fax2Mail.

OpenText Fax2Mail offers a range of pricing options to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. The software is available as a subscription service, with pricing based on the number of users and the volume of faxes sent and received.

For businesses that only need to send or receive a small number of faxes each month, Fax2Mail offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model. This enables businesses to pay only for the faxes they send or receive without the need to commit to a monthly subscription.

For businesses with higher fax volumes, Fax2Mail offers several subscription plans with different pricing tiers based on the number of users and the volume of faxes. These plans include features such as unlimited fax storage, custom branding, and integration with business applications.

One of the key advantages of Fax2Mail’s pricing model is that it is scalable and flexible, enabling businesses to adjust their subscription as their needs change. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses that experience seasonal fluctuations in fax volume or that need to quickly scale their fax capabilities in response to changing business needs.

Overall, OpenText Fax2Mail offers a range of pricing options to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, with a flexible and scalable pricing model that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of individual businesses.

OpenText Fax2Mail Cost

Customer support and resources: The level of customer support and resources available for OpenText Fax2Mail users.

OpenText Fax2Mail offers a comprehensive customer support program to ensure that users are able to get the most out of their software. The program includes a range of resources and tools to help users troubleshoot issues and resolve problems, as well as support from a dedicated team of customer service representatives.

One of the key resources available to Fax2Mail users is the support OpenText fax2mail portal, which provides access to a range of self-help tools and resources. This includes an extensive knowledge base with articles and tutorials on how to use the software, as well as a community forum where users can ask questions and get advice from other users.

For more complex issues, OpenText Fax2Mail login also offers direct support from a team of experienced customer service representatives. The support team is available via phone, email, or live chat and is trained to resolve any issues or problems that users may encounter quickly. View similar performing products MetroFax.

In addition to these resources, Fax2Mail also provides a range of training and educational resources to help users get up to speed with the software. This includes webinars, video tutorials, and online training courses, which can help users to develop their skills and get the most out of the software.

Overall, the level of customer support and resources provided by Fax2Mail is comprehensive and designed to ensure that users are able to get the most out of their software. Whether users are looking for self-help resources or direct support from a team of experts, OpenText fax2mail vs rightfax provides the resources and tools needed to ensure a positive user experience.

Security and compliance: How OpenText Fax2Mail ensures the security and compliance of user data.

Security and compliance are critical concerns for businesses that handle sensitive information such as faxes. OpenText Fax2Mail takes these concerns seriously and has implemented a range of security and compliance features to ensure the safety and privacy of user data.

One of the key security features of Fax2Mail is its use of encrypted transmission protocols. All faxes sent and received through the platform are encrypted using 256-bit SSL encryption, which helps to ensure the privacy and security of user data. Additionally, all user data is stored in a secure data center that meets industry standards for data security.

In addition to these security features, the OpenText fax2mail user guide also offers a range of compliance features to help businesses meet their regulatory requirements. The software is compliant with a range of industry standards, including HIPAA, SOX, and PCI DSS. It offers features such as audit trails, access controls, and user permissions to help businesses meet their compliance requirements.

Overall, OpenText Fax2Mail takes security and compliance seriously and has implemented a range of features to ensure the safety and privacy of user data. Whether businesses are concerned about protecting sensitive data or meeting regulatory requirements, Fax2Mail provides the tools and features needed to ensure compliance and security.


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